Winter Sport Physicals – A note from Rochelle Blakely, athletic trainer
Direct all questions pertaining to sport physicals and paperwork to Rochelle Blakely or Tommy Mealy. Please do not attempt to hand in any forms related to the sport physicals to a coach
The school is hosting winter physicals on Monday, November 8 from 9:30AM - 11:30AM. Ahletes can either have a physical completed with their primary care physician or reserve an appointment by going to this link:
The last day to sign up for a physical at the school is November 3.
Winter Sport Physical Form is on the team's website here:
If an athlete played a fall sport, they should only need a Recertification Form (Section 8 of the PIAA packet) signed by a parent or guardian.
Recertification Form is on the team's website here:
If however an athlete was injured during the fall season and had to see a Physician and Rochelle Blakely did not receive a doctor's clearance note, then a Section 9 form will be needed along with the Section 8 (recertification form). The PIAA Section 9 needs to be signed by a physician. It simply states that they are good to return to full participation.
*Important* When arriving at the allotted time slot on Nov. 8th, the PIAA Physical packet must be filled out to its entirety and signed by parent or guardian. Forms will not be accepted and athletes will not be seen by the physicians if their form is not filled out and signed.
Feel free to reach out to Rochelle Blakely with any questions or concerns.
Rochelle Blakely LAT, ATC
Athletic Trainer - Bishop McDevitt
Select Physical Therapy
Office: 717.236.7973 ex. 2360
Cell: 856.979.7141
Fax: 717.234.1270