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Pre Season Swim Practices

09/09/2024 17:30
09/09/2024 19:00

Swimmers and parents:

Please read the following information if you are interested in optional pre-season swim practices during the months of September, October, and November at the Central Penn Fitness Center.

Since swimmers will need a membership to Central Penn, they are free to work out on their own on the days a practice session is not scheduled.

A few additional reminders about these optional pre-season practices.

1. No registration (other than a pool membership) is necessary and no attendance will be taken. Swimmers choose to attend because they want to attend.
2. Anyone that chooses to attend these "open" practices must possess a membership to Central Penn. Please direct any questions about joining Central Penn to the front desk at CP. You can mention that you/your swimmer will be attending informal pre season practices in the pool (this should eliminate any questions about the stated age limitation since the general manager is aware and ok with students joining that are less than the minimum age).
3. The goal is to meet 3-4 times a week. We might approach five days w week closer to early November. The exact days will be determined and communicated in advance, but I do not anticipate meeting as a group on Friday evenings. We might add a few Saturday sessions after the first few weeks.
4. If it is determined that a majority of the swimmers would be better served by a later start time (such as 6:00 p.m.) this will be taken into consideration.
5. These practices will be informal in the sense that the lanes are NOT rented and therefore will not be reserved exclusively for our use. Swimmers should be prepared to wait for lane space if we happen to have a large group attend on a given night and there are other club members already occupying lanes when we arrive. This generally has not been an issue in the past as other Central Penn members quickly learn our attendance patterns and begin to utilize the pool at different times of the day.
6. Practices will last approximately 1 hour 15 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

The first few weeks will be used to gain fitness and begin to assess each athletes' aerobic threshold. Practices will become increasingly more challenging as we approach the start of the high school season.

Again, the practices are open to anyone with a shared goal of starting the high school/age group dual season with an established base of training. You may share information about this opportunity.